Sunday, September 23, 2012

Randi Chervitz Crocheted Jewelry

Randi Chervitz is a new jewelry artist that we added to Art Jewelry Online.  She is known for her elegant crocheted jewelry.  Her education includes degrees and  studies from Vassar College, Parsons School of Design, Penland School of Craft & the Paris Fashion Institute. Please read her artist statement and visit us to view more of her work. 

I first picked up my grandmother’s crochet hook while taking a metal-smithing class in college. She taught me to knit when I was a child, and I always had good feelings about the individual stitches that make up a larger whole. Crocheting silver to make wearable objects quickly became my signature.
Manipulating the crochet stitches, combining them with other weights of metal to act as various weights of line, and adding stones, allow me to create satisfying visual patterns that also function as wearable jewelry.
Design-wise, I adore repetitive pattern.  Many of the objects around my home, photographs, ceramic dinnerware, picture frames and even furniture feature strong black-and-white contrasting pattern.  With this in mind, I’ve focused my exploration of pattern by limiting my use of color in gemstones.  Freshwater pearls have always been my favorite.  They’re the perfect accent to a long, smooth line of metal. I particularly love the cool, icy look of pearls against the dark contrast of the oxidized metal. My oxidized pieces offer an aggressive, “gutsy” look.

Monday, September 10, 2012

New Earrings from Lori Gottlieb

Lori Gottlieb just completed a new line of earrings that I believe are some of the best artistic earrings I've ever seen from her.  She has always used 18k gold/silver bimetal to add a rich sophisticated look to her work  while keeping it affordable. You may purchase these earrings at

Friday, September 7, 2012

Hratch Babikian Sea Urchin Rings

Hratch Babikian's Red Sea Urchin's ring has to be my favorite ring.  I have shown this ring before but now that he offers it in gold I thought it acceptable to post it again.  I also like the new images of the ring from all angles.  This is something I think all artists should consider to better showcase their work.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Back To School - Self Portrait

It's been 34 years since I received my MBA and if that was not torture enough I've started back to school at Towson.  My sons couldn't believe I was going back to school to study art because as they so accurately pointed out I can not draw.  Since I consider myself an excellent craftsman this did not bother me in the slightest.  I am currently working on a self-portrait that is not a self portrait.  I am using my grandmother instead with inspiration from DiVinci and Andy Warhol.  I like the illustration image with color blocking by Warhol.  It reminds me of DiVinci's work.  My goal is to render the image of my grandmother (top) in an illustration style reminiscent of DiVinci with subdued color blocking similar to that in the Warhol print above.  A true melting pot of art!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Here Be Dragons

If you enjoy historical fiction "Here Be Dragons" is a must read.  Sharon Kay Penman is a master of historical fiction and you will find that her work is as close to historical accuracy that you will find in any work of fiction.  I also enjoyed her treatment of John Lackland as more than a sinister character.  Below is the summary you will find on Amazon .

Thirteenth-century Wales is a divided country, ever at the mercy of England’s ruthless, power-hungry King John. Llewelyn, Prince of North Wales, secures an uneasy truce by marrying the English king’s beloved illegitimate daughter, Joanna, who slowly grows to love her charismatic and courageous husband. But as John’s attentions turn again and again to subduing Wales---and Llewelyn---Joanna must decide where her love and loyalties truly lie.
The turbulent clashes of two disparate worlds and the destinies of the individuals caught between them spring to life in this magnificent novel of power and passion, loyalty and lies. The book that began the trilogy that includes Falls the Shadow and The Reckoning, Here Be Dragons brings thirteenth-century England, France, and Wales to tangled, tempestuous life.