I am surfing the web at 3 am and trying to figure out the best places to sell jewelry. Here is the list I have compiled so far: iCraft (Canada), DaWanda (Great Britain, France and Germany), Etsy, Shop Handmade, America Creates, Artful Home, Soleyne, Object Fetish, 1000 Markets, and of course my site ArtJewelryOnline.
Here's my opinion:
Etsy...Okay for price points under $100 but a challenge to sell more expensive work. I like the fact that you can advertise and track your visitors on Google Analytics.
Shop Handmade...Free to sell by selecting a sponsor like addicted to rubber stamps. I noticed lots of cutsie stuff on this site but I also found some talented jewelers.
iCraft...Free to sell 5 products or less. Not sure how to categorize this one. Primarily a Canadian site that has a full range to low to moderate priced goods.
Artful Home...juried work and tough for jeweler's to participate. Lots of artists doing jewelry but they get lost in all the furniture, glass etc.
America Creates...A newer juried site. They are still working out the technology kinks but appear to be a site for better jewelers. The take a 25% commission when work sells.
1000 Markets...I do not like that they use Amazon for checkout. Amazon has no support system. I prefer Yahoo and Paypal.
Soleyne...Advertises that they are more art than craft. Still in their infancy but appear to be headed in the right direction.
DaWanda...Totally free to sell here. Tough to work the overseas market, but very easy to use and set up shop.
Object Fetish is new to me so if you have any experience I would love to hear it.
ArtJewelryOnline...of course I love this one it is my site. What I like most is that I sell jewelry and nothing else. Not accepting new artists now but keep in touch for future openings.
Would love to here opinions about these and other shops.
Image of Basket Earrings by Gayle Friedman. 18k/ss bimetal.