Who would have thought the Department of Public Works would be the source of such striking and cutting edge jewelry and furniture art. Meet Boris Bally. His award-winning work is both witty and innovative employing the use of jeweler’s skills on non-precious materials. His current body of work transforms recycled street signs, weapon parts, and a wide variety of found materials into objects for reflection. These pieces celebrate raw American street-aesthetic in the form of objects,
often useful, for the home and the body.
Boris' work is a disciplined body of objects which vary from eccentric through formal to humorous; provoking thought and reflecting some of the distortions of our ordered world. His practice is a near transparent amalgam of the skills of an able industrial designer, a gifted craftsperson, a savvy business man, a discriminating sculptor, and a clever cultural critic. Bally is a working artist - someone who has integrated their studio practice, their means of monetary support, and his family into a seamless (sleepless?) lifestyle that is punctuated by the dissected remains of street signs.
You may purchase his jewelry at http://artjewelryonline.com/borisbally.html and his furniture at Artful Home.