"Rain" wearable art by Lonna Keller
This necklace is one of my favorite Lonna Keller pieces. Her use of neoprene rubber gives her a lot more room for creativity that is not found in traditional jewelry.
The jewelry and body adornments of award-winning artist Lonna Keller have been exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the United States and abroad. Major collections of Keller's work are held at Renwick Gallery as part of the National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. The Museum of Arts and Design in New York, the and by private collectors, John and Louise Rauh. Keller received an M.F.A. in metalsmithing
in 1998 from the University of Iowa, a B.F.A. in Metalsmithing and a B.S. in Sociology/Anthropology in 1994 from
Nebraska Wesleyan University.