Monday, October 18, 2010
Addicted to Reading
Kushiel's Dart Legacy Trilogy Series by Jacqueline Carey.
A Game of Thrones, Trilogy by George R. R. Martin.
Daughter of the Forest Trilogy by Juliet Marillier
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Gallery Show

My work is on display and for sale at the Velvet da Vinci gallery's Plastic Show in San Francisco. For a preview visit
Forces of Nature

Great photos of volcanoes and natural settings.
Фото и рисунки, арт и креативная реклама - StumbleUpon
Monday, October 11, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
New Work from Kelly Kerkes

Goldsmith Kelly Kerkes has expanded his work to include affordable sterling silver jewelry. I admire the way he uses creative finishes for his ring bands.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Lampwork Glass
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Craft Show News
Get previews and ratings of all the best craft show such as the American Craft Council, Buyers Market of American Craft, and many others.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Art Jewelry Crafted from Silver Gold Resin and by artjewelryonline
All you have to do is JOIN OUR MAILING LIST by visiting the link Check off the Etsy block. Promotion starts July 1, 2010 and ends Nov 30, 2010. Winners announced at the end of each month.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Everything but the Paper Cut: Eye-popping Ways Artists Use Paper | Fast Company

Everything but the Paper Cut: Eye-popping Ways Artists Use Paper | Fast Company

Friday, June 25, 2010
"Rain" wearable art by Lonna Keller

"Rain" wearable art by Lonna Keller
This necklace is one of my favorite Lonna Keller pieces. Her use of neoprene rubber gives her a lot more room for creativity that is not found in traditional jewelry.
The jewelry and body adornments of award-winning artist Lonna Keller have been exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the United States and abroad. Major collections of Keller's work are held at Renwick Gallery as part of the National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. The Museum of Arts and Design in New York, the and by private collectors, John and Louise Rauh. Keller received an M.F.A. in metalsmithing
in 1998 from the University of Iowa, a B.F.A. in Metalsmithing and a B.S. in Sociology/Anthropology in 1994 from
Nebraska Wesleyan University.

Friday, June 18, 2010
Niche Awards 2011
Call for entries:
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Have you heard… The 2011 NICHE Awards are here. You may have already seen the call for entry in a magazine you read or a blog you follow. Perhaps you have seen a poster in an arts facility in your town or been forwarded an email or newsletter with information about the awards program. The NICHE Awards is open to the public but we are sending a personal invite to you as a jewelry artist. Now in its 21st year; the NICHE Awards competition recognizes exemplary work by talented U.S. and Canadian artists and craftspeople at the professional and student levels. There are many jewelry categories to enter into such as gold, fashion, silver and wedding as well as categories like enamled metal and recycled art. The contest opened May 15th and the application is entirely online at It is a great opportunity for exposure as an artist. The finalists will display their creations during the largest wholesale craft show in the country, the Buyers Market of American Craft, February 18-21, 2011, in Philadelphia. The finalists and winners of the competition will receive tremendous press in NICHE magazine, a trade publication read by the owners and managers of craft and art galleries, and at our web site, Finalists and winners receive: - an opportunity to exhibit their work in a special exhibit at the Buyers Market - a listing in the Winter issue of NICHE magazine - coverage of the winners in the Spring issue of NICHE magazine - continuing press coverage during and after the competition - web promotions on If you have any questions please let me know! Contact Erin Hartz at or call 410-889-2933 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 410-889-2933 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, ext. 206 | |||
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Columbia Festival of the Arts

Phote: Opal and Diamond Pendant by goldsmith Kelly Kerkes.
Columbia Festival of the Arts
Spent the weekend in 90 degree weather at my booth at the Columbia Festival of the Arts. Traditionally this has been a good venue especially since there is no booth fee but this year they instituted a $100 booth fee and cut the budget on advertising. The result was that I and other artists felt that it was our worst show ever. I have been doing this show for 4 years but I have decided to take a pass next year.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Metals Guild of Maryland (MGM)

The Metals Guild of Maryland is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development and support of the metal arts community. We are committed to providing our membership with opportunities that grow our creativity, stimulate us educationally, and foster knowledge sharing. We are also committed to creating greater public awareness, knowledge and appreciation of the metal arts.
MGM has now opened a store at Cafe Press where you can buy t-shirts, aprons, mugs, totebags etc. with the choice of two Guild logos on any item. The URL is All proceeds are used to fund scholarships for Metals students at Towson University, Maryland Institute and College of Art and McDaniel College. The images are just a few examples of our available products. Stop by our store to see the full line.
Velina Glass
Co-Chair, Metals Guild of Maryland
Monday, June 7, 2010
JAdore: ... Dior - StumbleUpon

This is one of my favorite jewelry Blogs.
J'Adore: ... Dior
Camille Miceli's Fall Jewelry Collection (pictured above).
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
New Treated Rubies Different from Composite
According to a press release from AGL, this new ruby treatment--which provides a low-cost alternative to more traditionally heated rubies--has been detected in stones, mostly from Mozambique, which are treated in and exported from Thailand. The treatment is "reportedly a modification of the lead glass or composite ruby treatments that have emerged in the past," according to the release.
Composite rubies--a term coined by AGL--began flooding the international gemstone market in 2003, and subsequently made their way into the U.S. market, where they have more than once become the subject of investigative news reports aimed at alerting consumers to the potential pitfalls of purchasing such stones. The controversial stones, which are lower-priced goods that require special care and specific disclosures to consumers, are an amalgam of natural ruby with a high lead-glass content.
For the new treatment, AGL has learned that a selection of the rough material suitable for the composite ruby treatment is treated using various chemicals or fluxing agents, similar to the more traditional heating of ruby that results in fissure healing and heating residues.
For the full article visit
33 Exciting Examples of Action Photography | Inspiration

This is some of the best action art I have seen. The question, is the rider falling or is he supposed to fly through the sky?
33 Exciting Examples of Action Photography | Inspiration
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
AP IMPACT: Wal-Mart pulls jewelry over cadmium
LOS ANGELES – Wal-Mart said Wednesday it is pulling an entire line of Miley Cyrus-brand necklaces and bracelets from its shelves after tests performed for The Associated Press found the jewelry contained high levels of the toxic metal cadmium.
In a statement issued three hours after AP's initial report of its findings, Wal-Mart said it would remove the jewelry, made exclusively for the world's largest retailer, while it investigates. The company issued the statement along with Cyrus and Max Azria, the designer who developed the jewelry for the 17-year-old "Hannah Montana" star.
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. had learned of cadmium in the Miley Cyrus jewelry, as well as in an unrelated line of bracelet charms, back in February, based on an earlier round of testing conducted at AP's request, but had continued selling the items. It said as recently as last month that it would be too difficult to test products already on its shelves.
In its statement, Wal-Mart did not say whether it would also remove the bracelet charms.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Upcoming Events

Anastasia Azure: Dimensional Weave Jewelry and Sculpture combines an ancient weaving technique with traditional metalsmithing and contemporary materials.
I have a busy summer planned beginning with the Columbia Festival of the Arts Artpark June 12-13. Come visit the ArtPark under the shade of a 3 story garage and shop for jewelry, ceramics, and fashions.
Next I am on my way to Artscape in Baltimore MD. Artscape is the countries largest free arts festival scheduled for July 16-18. As we get closer to the date I will post my booth number. Wear light clothing and bring your water jug because this event always seems to fall on the hottest day of the summer but it is so worth the trip. Last year I saw Robin Thicke for free!
Buyers Market of American Craft. I am located in the Metals Guild Booth along with other fine Maryland Artists. This is a wholesale show so don't forget to register in advance. August 23rd - 25th Baltimore Convention Center Baltimore, Maryland
Velvet da Vinci San Francisco's premiere art jewelry and metal sculpture gallery is hosting a plastic and resin exhibition October 1-31. My work will be shown along with such as...
Shana Astrachan
Anastasia Azure
Ela Bauer
Lea Marie Becker
Iris Bodemer
Sigurd Bronger
Burcu Büyükünal
Ana Margarida Carvalho
Peter Chang
Joe Churchman
Jens A. Clausen
Barbara Cohen
Lisa&Scott Cylinder
Peter Deckers
Coco Dunmire
Janine Eisenhauer
Beate Eismann
Ute Eitzenhöfer
Diane Falkenhagen
Jantje Fleischhut
Javier Moren Frias
Velina Glass
Robly Glover
Suzanne Golden
Tamara Grüner
Rebecca Hannon
Pavel Herynek
Ellen Himic
Eero Hintsanen
Kath Inglis
Jiro Kamata
Masumi Kataoka
Sun Kyoung Kim
Sarah King
Susanne Klemm
Jocelyn Kolb
Katja Korsawe
Birgit Laken
Margaux Lange
Carla Pennie McBride
Edward Lane McCartney
Karen McCreary
Charlene Modena
Masako Onedera
Emiko Oye
Seainin Passi
Mary Hallam Pearse
Ruudt Peters
Natalya Pinchuk
Katja Prins
Yuka Saito
Karen Seufert
Leslie Shershow
Susan Kasson Sloan
Anika Smulovitz
Lin Stanionis
Rebecca Strzelec
Donna Mason Sweigart
Anthony Tammaro
Billlie Jean Theide
Carolyn Tillie
Cynthia Toops
Silke Trekel
Christel Van der Laan
Mona Wallstrom
Katheryn Wardill
Emily Watson
Karla Way
Josephine Winther
Sayumi Yokouchi
Lily Yung
Sandra Zilker
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Shopping Spree Winner

Congratulations! The winner of the $200 shopping spree is Sandy from Angelson Soy Candle
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Elizabeth Gilbert
Crazy paper thing - StumbleUpon
This video takes a piece of paper, cuts it up, tapes it back together and then does the most amazing things!
18 Pairs of New Earrings by Hratch Babikian

Eighteen pairs of new earrings inspired by the Mediterranean and Sea Urchins by Hratch Babikian.
hratchbabikian2.html from - StumbleUpon
Friday, April 30, 2010
Gem Cutters Guild of Baltimore

I just love Gayle Friedman's jewelry made from re-purposed mink. All the luxury with none of the guilt!
On Tuesday May 4, 2010 I am the featured speaker at the Gem Cutters Guild of Baltimore. The topic is how to market your work for someone that is a hobbyist trying to transition into selling their work. If you live in the Baltimore area I would love to see you!
The Gem Cutters Guild Meeting is held on the first Tuesday of each month (except January, July and August) at our workshop which is located at: Meadow Mill at Woodberry 3600 Clipper Mill Road Suite 116 Baltimore MD 21211
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Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Win a $200 Shopping Spree

Receive password to private sale by joining my www.ArtJewelryOnline,com mailing list. Then return to the home page and click on the link at the top of the page to gain entry into the Private Sale. Save 20-50%. In addition, by joining our mailing list you enter to win a $200 shopping spree. We will announce the winner on May 1.
Pictured top to bottom:
- White Caribbean Ring: Reg Price $570 Sale Price $265
- Risplendent Necklac by Amy Faust: Reg Price $195 Sale Price $100
- Multiple Sapphire Ring by Kelly Kerkes: Reg Price $1900 Sale Price $1520
- Fine Silver Cloisonne Pendant by Sheila Beatty Reg Price $370 Sale Price $222
- Bay Queen Earrings by Hratch Babikian: Reg Price $500 Sale Price $300
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Keeping the Bubbles out of Resin

Pictured above is one of my favorite Lulu Smith resin pieces, Hobnob Pendant.
I met a gentleman that works at Corning and he had a lot of experience with resin. I asked him how do they keep out the bubbles and he said to pour it on a downhill grade. I don't know if that will work for smaller items but I'll give it a try. Some of the things that I have tried that help are:
- slightly warming the mold before I pour.
- blow gently over the surface to break the surface tension allowing bubbles to escape.
- Taking bubbles out with a stick pin (this is so not fun)!
- place the mold on a vibrating surface to break the surface tension.
- pour in thin layers so that it is easier for the bubbles to surface.
- last but no least I always say a prayer cause there is never any guarantee when it comes to resin and bubbles!