Anastasia Azure: Dimensional Weave Jewelry and Sculpture combines an ancient weaving technique with traditional metalsmithing and contemporary materials.
I have a busy summer planned beginning with the Columbia Festival of the Arts Artpark June 12-13. Come visit the ArtPark under the shade of a 3 story garage and shop for jewelry, ceramics, and fashions.
Next I am on my way to Artscape in Baltimore MD. Artscape is the countries largest free arts festival scheduled for July 16-18. As we get closer to the date I will post my booth number. Wear light clothing and bring your water jug because this event always seems to fall on the hottest day of the summer but it is so worth the trip. Last year I saw Robin Thicke for free!
Buyers Market of American Craft. I am located in the Metals Guild Booth along with other fine Maryland Artists. This is a wholesale show so don't forget to register in advance. August 23rd - 25th Baltimore Convention Center Baltimore, Maryland
Velvet da Vinci San Francisco's premiere art jewelry and metal sculpture gallery is hosting a plastic and resin exhibition October 1-31. My work will be shown along with such as...
Shana Astrachan
Anastasia Azure
Ela Bauer
Lea Marie Becker
Iris Bodemer
Sigurd Bronger
Burcu Büyükünal
Ana Margarida Carvalho
Peter Chang
Joe Churchman
Jens A. Clausen
Barbara Cohen
Lisa&Scott Cylinder
Peter Deckers
Coco Dunmire
Janine Eisenhauer
Beate Eismann
Ute Eitzenhöfer
Diane Falkenhagen
Jantje Fleischhut
Javier Moren Frias
Velina Glass
Robly Glover
Suzanne Golden
Tamara Grüner
Rebecca Hannon
Pavel Herynek
Ellen Himic
Eero Hintsanen
Kath Inglis
Jiro Kamata
Masumi Kataoka
Sun Kyoung Kim
Sarah King
Susanne Klemm
Jocelyn Kolb
Katja Korsawe
Birgit Laken
Margaux Lange
Carla Pennie McBride
Edward Lane McCartney
Karen McCreary
Charlene Modena
Masako Onedera
Emiko Oye
Seainin Passi
Mary Hallam Pearse
Ruudt Peters
Natalya Pinchuk
Katja Prins
Yuka Saito
Karen Seufert
Leslie Shershow
Susan Kasson Sloan
Anika Smulovitz
Lin Stanionis
Rebecca Strzelec
Donna Mason Sweigart
Anthony Tammaro
Billlie Jean Theide
Carolyn Tillie
Cynthia Toops
Silke Trekel
Christel Van der Laan
Mona Wallstrom
Katheryn Wardill
Emily Watson
Karla Way
Josephine Winther
Sayumi Yokouchi
Lily Yung
Sandra Zilker
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